Maria Rosanelli – The High School Athletic Trainer Every Athlete Needs

Take a glance into the world of Richardson High School Head Athletic Trainer Maria Rosanelli. The type of Athletic Trainer every high school student-athlete needs.

So I have been in the athletic training world for 18 years now – WOW – I can’t believe it! The journey all started with my undergrad internship that led to a position as an athletic training graduate assistant while working on my masters. Then working five years at two colleges and universities to where I’m at today, the high school setting, and I just finished my 8th year. There are many things I love about being an Athletic Trainer; somehow I was able to narrow it down to the five reasons below.

1. I Get to Help People

Not only do I work with athletes, but I have been fortunate to be able to have helped coaches, teachers, and other fellow athletic trainers along the way.  Being there when an athlete is 1st injured and seeing them progress through the rehab back to full participation is such a wonderful thing.

2. The Relationships

Not only do I help athletes, but you get to build bonds with them.  Seeing your athletes achieve their goals and helping them through their struggles makes it real. You get to see these athletes grow up and go off to college whether it is to be a student or student-athlete. It is so special when those former athletes come back in town, and one of their first stops is the athletic training room to see you.  There is a bond created from injuries, pep talks or that daily ankle taping to get them through practice.

“There is a bond created from injuries, pep talks or that daily ankle taping to get them through practice.”

3. I’m Not Trapped In An Office

We as high school athletic trainers don’t have a typical office. We get to be outside and watch sports every day, now how awesome is that?!  Each day is different and even though we work a lot of hours – early and late I still wouldn’t trade it to sit in front of a computer in a cubicle.  I get to walk around outside at practices, enjoy both the sun and the rain. Sometimes that even means traveling to different cities and states. I’ve been to conference championships and NCAA tournaments for three different sports. Seeing my teams make it that far and to be a part of those teams create great memories. Not many professions get these opportunities.

4. There is Always Something to Learn

Athletic Training is always progressing. We athletic trainers are always learning new techniques to help our athletes succeed or get better. Each summer to stay current in AT, I attend the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s ( annual symposium. There I get to network with other AT’s across the nation attend learning labs, workshops, and functions. This event is a great event for any athletic trainers looking to grow in their craft.

5. I Get to Be an Advocate for High School Athletic Trainers

I want every parent to know that athletic trainers are here for their children. They should always look to see if there is one athletic trainer at their child’s game or practice. Athletic trainers are all licensed healthcare professionals that are here for many different types of situations.

“I want every parent to know that athletic trainers are here for their children.” – Maria Rosanelli

Maria Chiefs Athletic Trainer
Rosanelli recognized at the 101 Awards benefitting The University of Kansas Hospital.

As a high school athletic trainer, one of my scariest and proudest moments was when I had to do CPR and use an AED on one of my athletes.  There were football coaches who aided me in this situation, but if I wasn’t

there and didn’t respond as fast as I did, I don’t think this athlete would be here today.  I have such a passion for athletic training and what I do, but after that incident, I knew I was meant to be an athletic trainer. I love this profession and wouldn’t change it for anything.



What’s next for Maria Rosanelli?

You can find me on Twitter @BellaMaria79. I am continuously volunteering at the state level with the North Texas Athletic Trainers Society’s (, annual injury symposia with the high school student programming committee.  Currently, I am awaiting formal approval to begin a term on the Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association’s ( Secondary School Athletic Trainer Committee.  Being on this committee, I will be working to help other high school athletic trainers achieve their goals and assist with the resources to do so. Now as a new head high school athletic trainer for Richardson High School, a new journey has just begun. I’m excited for what the future holds!


Want to share your athletic stories or something you learned during the journey? Click Here so we can make that happen!

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