Humble: Having or showing a modest or low of one’s own importance. In life, we all will have humble beginnings, but our future will be prosperous – Jasmine Grier
That’s the word I would use to describe how I was born and raised. I’m from a very small town in Northeast Georgia, where the sweet tea is amazing and the hospitality is the most kind. I grew up with my dad at a very young age, I realized what it meant to work hard. I’d watch him work two jobs, and own his small landscaping business while managing our 7-acre property as well. He never stopped moving. I took note of that at the age of 7 and I wanted to work just as hard as he did one day. That opportunity would soon come to past.
Before, I got to Indiana State University to play basketball. I started small. My love for the game grew when my dad would work with me for 3 hours after he got off work. We worked on nothing by dribbling and shooting.
At 7 years old he taught me the proper technique and athletic stance to dribbling. Each day I had to shoot over 200 shots. Remember when I said that I wanted to work harder than my dad at something. Basketball was my something. Day in and day out, that was all I did was dribble and shoot.
One day, my life changed for the better. My hometown was having recreation basketball sign-ups. All my hard work was going to pay off, my dad would really see how much I outworked him in something (this is 7-year-old Jasmine thinking).
I remember to this day which team I was on, the Sooners! For a year, my dad worked with me before I could sign up, and when I had my first game he said it was like God was playing through me. I had a natural talent for the game.
When you work hard at something in life you are bound to have the law of attraction. That is when you think about achieving a goal or accomplishing something it comes to past. Hard work + law of attraction= goals accomplished.
Once my last year of high school came about, I began to put too much pressure on myself. I wanted to be recruited to the perfect school. Well, let’s just say God let me take a detour. I didn’t go Division 1 out of high school. My grades we terrible. Awful. Disgusting. Shameful. I, then made up in my mind that I wanted to go play Junior College basketball.
I still had to outwork my dad at this. He raised me to work hard in all that I do and finish what I start. I had to finish some way. I love every minute of playing junior college basketball. It made me into a strong woman and player. I graduated with my AS in Marketing. Then I moved on to Indiana State to finish playing and completing my BS in Recreation and SportsManagement.
Finally, I made it, but I still had to be humble about everything. My first few months of the season, I didn’t touch the court. Talk about a humble smack to the face, then I had my opportunity. From that moment on, I still thought I had to catch my dad, I had to outwork him. To me, nobody on this planet works harder than my dad. If I can match his work ethic, I’ll be successful.
I tell that story to say this,
in life we all will have humble beginnings, but our future will be prosperous.
We have to use that equation from earlier hard work + law of attraction=goal accomplished. You have to think about it, put your ideas into action and work hard. This past year, I started a basketball business, Grier Athletics. When I first started I only had one athlete attending, now I have about 9 athletes that I train overall.
If you want something, go get it and have an unbelievable work ethic and it will come to past. I want to own my athletic facility and I’m doing everything in my power to accomplish that. With my dad’s work ethic inside my blood and my humble attitude, one day, I’ll have my dream accomplished. Appreciate your humble beginnings, your future will be prosperous!
Jasmine Gier