For some athletes, training is the hardest part of the day, the most challenging and the most frustrating. I decided this season to make practice the easiest part of my day. I did not have to change my eating patterns, or my sleep and I Did not need to buy anything. It just took one thing, and that one thing was telling myself every day that practice is easy.
Training Does Not Have To Be Hard
The only reason practice is ever hard is because you tell yourself that practice is hard. If you have practice in the afternoon and you walk around all day hanging your head and thinking about how hard training is going to be for the day then you are just killing yourself mentally.
You’re wearing yourself down more than you really need to mentally. Practice may be hard but ever one who trains has hard days and whether you complain or not you are going to do the same amount of work so you may as well look at it as being easy.
Pain Is Only Temporary.
My training groups of short sprinters here at Iowa State always get a good laugh out of this. We all hurt as a group through hard workouts and no one says a word during practice. The second the practice is done you hurt for like 2 minutes then you get up to walk it off. Next thing you know we are sitting around talking and laughing about the practice and how challenging it was but how quickly it went by.
It showed me that pain does not last forever when it comes to training. It eventually goes away. When athletes say that they are going to hurt from practice or they are worried about a workout that is usually why because they do not want to be in pain. Just remember this anytime you are hurting, the pain will go away.
So How Did I Make Practice Easy
This is no joke I made practice easy but saying “Ian practice is going to be easy today” and the more I did that the easier practice became and the more fun I had. Training does not have to be the worst part of the day and to be honest it never should be.
Our minds are powerful beyond measure and until you even begin to understand that you will always hold yourself back in life.
KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.