Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me

When searching for the top rated physical therapist near me, the goal is always to find the healthcare provider that is known for doing great work. The one part people forget though is that everyone has very different needs. For example for some people they want their physical therapist to take their time with them. Others want their physical therapists to hurry through the appointment so they can get back to their life. Either way, we are going to make sure you know everything you should consider, while also understanding how to find the what you need.

Options to Find The Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me

One of the first things you need to be able to do this is to find a platform that gives ratings to physical therapists. Many just list them but if they are not rated, there is no good way to compare them. We are going to break down three options.

  1. 9INE POINT Health
  2. Health Grades
  3. Yelp


9INE POINT health is one of the best tools you can use to start this journey. The reason is that they have ratings and reviews, but they also have that magical9INE POINT Number. The 9INE POINT Number is a number out of 100 that anyone can use to compare therapists.

The number consists of three different metrics. 

  1. Ratings and reviews
  2. Engagement
  3. Insurances accepted

There is nothing that makes it easier to find top rated therapists. The reason is that the 9INE POINT Number gives you one number that represents the key factors you need to know before you even begin digging in more. If someone has a high 9INE POINT Number you know that they take a lot of insurances, they answer questions, they educate, and lastly, they are respected amongst your peers.

The other main advantage to using 9INE POINT Health is that it is the most detailed healthcare provider search engine. You can search for providers by discipline, but you can also search by skillset. What that means is that if you want a Physical therapist that can also do some dry needling, but also knows how to use Graston tool, 9INE POINT Health will show you the best local options.

Health Grades

Health Grades is a wide selection of physical therapists, and they can show you some local options. If you know what you are looking for Health Grades can be a huge help. Health Grades already has many ratings for their health care providers and all the information that you can handle.

Unique to Health Grades

  • Background check
  • Awards and recognition
  • Memberships affiliations
  • Medical performance
  • Office staff ratings


Yelp is the biggest online directory of local services. The problem with Yelp is that it is much more designed for food and restaurants than it is for healthcare providers. Because of this, you need to use Yelp with caution. The reviews on Yelp are extensive, but they are not as high as the quality of other 9INE POINT Health and Health Grades.

Yelp has the same general profiles wether you are a plumber or a healthcare provider, and this makes it harder to get the information that you need to know about each provider. The advantages of using Yelp is the fact that you may already use it, you have a large selection and the most amount of ratings. Not the easiest for finding the true top rated physical therapist near me. 

Questions to Ask Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me

  • How easy is it to get an appointment?
  • Do you get a good vibe from them?
  • How close is it the office to your home?
  • Do they do in-home visits
  • Do you feel as if they are trying to make you come back as much as possible instead of helping you quickly
  • How engaged are they online in case you have questions?
  • How aggressive are they with their treatment?
  • Do they have a sports background if so what it is?
  • Are they good listeners?
  • Do they explain and educate patients on the treatment they provide and why
  • What certifications do they have?
  • What continuing education have they done since graduating
  • Experience in the field
  • What makes them special?
  • Do they have adequate space for rehab?
  • Do they take walk-in patients or must they come from a hospital referral?
  • Are they a cash-based PT?
  • What insurance do they accept?

Skill Sets to Look for In Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me

Skills sets are usually things that physical therapy will learn after they graduate. A physical therapy education often does not leave one with all of the tools they need to treat a wide variety of injuries and issues. A physical therapist will often go to a course or sometimes back to school to learn things like acupuncture and more.

  • Dry needling
  • Acupuncture
  • Joint Manipulation
  • Active Release Technique
  • Graston Technique
  • Functional Movement Screen
  • Fascial Stretching
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Sports Background
  • And many more

What If You Can’t Overcome Your Pain Without Seeing the Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me?

Sometimes you can ice all you want, but a muscle is in pain because another area is not working or because it is protecting you. With the hips, for example, your back may be hurting because your psoas is doing too much work and it is also tight. The psoas may be doing too much work because your other hip flexors are not activating correctly. The chain reaction could keep going until you find the top rated physical therapist near me.

Sometimes you need the help of a sports medicine provider. Sports medicine providers are used to working with athletes that need to get results quickly, to get back on the field. If you are not an athlete, I am sure that you still want quick results.

There are many different options you can go with when looking for a provider. You could get a chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist or many other options. The key is finding someone you trust and that you are excited to work with.

How to Find The Top Rated Physical Therapist Near Me

9INE POINT Health is the best place to find the health care providers you need for any injuries. It does not matter where you are hurting; a 9INE POINT Health provider will be able to get you healthy again. 9INE POINT allows you to find the best local providers and compare them quickly using the 9INE POINT Number.

If you have no idea what you need, but you know you need something, 9INE POINTHealth is an injury guide, and you will get helped through the process. We make it easier for you to find the top rated physical therapist near me. 

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.

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9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.
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