Emotional Intelligence Examples – EQ Beats IQ

The school system has trained us continually tested us and shown our IQ and made us feel like that is the only thing in the world that matters. The more intellect you have, the more success you will have, right? It is much easier to see the importance of EQ once you see some emotional intelligence examples.

Well, studies are showing now that emotional intelligence is a much better measure of future success. Maybe we are not as impressed with how much you know compared to how you make people feel around you and your understanding of those people.

Stop and think about this for a second. Would you rather be around someone who is insanely smart but awkward to be around because they can’t relate to you or anyone else? Or would you rather be around someone who is aware of you and your emotions, and aware of themselves?

It is a no-brainer every time yet we still are forced to measure ourselves based on unrealistic expectations of just being “smart” by schools standards.

What Traits Makeup Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence Examples

  • Self Awareness
  • Self Regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills

The above five ways represent an entirely new way to think about being smart. Often people with very high IQs struggle with different measures of EQ. Now, this is not to say that IQ has no place in being successful, but it must be paired with the five traits listed above this.

We are going to dig into each one, and you will quickly see how people with these traits can rise to the top much quicker.

Self Awareness – Emotional Intelligence Examples

Being self-aware comes down to knowing your internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions. Then being able to trust those things. Many people know all of these things, but when their intuition kicks in, they do not believe it because they lack the self-confidence too.

Emotional Awareness

  • Recognizing your own emotions
  • Coming to grips with how you feel about something
  • Knowing how to manage and control those emotions

Emotional awareness is massive today with social media and all of the mental health issues you see in the world. You need to be able to know how you feel, why you think that way and be honest about it. A lot of people will be envious, but they can’t admit that emotion to themselves because they lack the emotional intelligence.

Then being able to control your emotions is even more critical. For example, you may be pleased with something, but you are going to a funeral, so you need to control that happy emotion and be aware of what is going on around you. People think of controlling emotions as just controlling the negative ones like anger, but they all need control in the right environment.

Accurate Self Assessment

  • Knowing one’s strengths
  • Understanding one’s limitations
  • What you see in the mirror every day is correct

A mirror is a scary place for most people, and that is the reason many of us have a lot of work to do on our EQ. To be able to assess yourself accurately means when you look in the mirror you don’t see a made-up version of yourself, but you know what is there.

To know your strengths and your limitations are so crucial because knowing the first allows you to build a great life and to understand the second stop you from wasting time. Peter Drucker once said that one could only build on their strengths.


  • Strong sense of self-worth
  • Belief in capabilities
  • Secure in who you are

Many people fake self-confidence but a true self-confidence is calm and reassuring. Self-confident people know their self-esteem, and it is not attached to any one thing. Confidence in yourself also comes with an absolute sureness in capabilities and the ability to bring dreams to life.

Self Regulation – Emotional Intelligence Examples

Self – Control

  • Controlling disruptive emotions
  • Controlling disruptive impulses
  • Confidence in yourself that you can be tempted and not give in

Keeping all your disruptive emotions and impulses in check is a huge part of EQ. Don’t think this is a surprise to anyone though. Successful people have the self-control because they have mastered their minds.


  • Being honest
  • Having integrity
  • Usually in the eye of the beholder

You can be as smart as you want to be but if you don’t have trustworthiness, you won’t get hired, partnerships, close deals or anything else you would want. Trust is the foundation of all success.


  • Being aware of what is expected of you
  • Taking responsibility for your performance

The worst people to be around are those who perform poorly and think they are doing the most significant things ever. They refuse to see or take responsibility for their performance.


  • Flexibility in handling change

The whole thing constant in life is to change itself, especially in our tech-driven work. We need to be able to change, and we almost have to expect change continually. People who are stuck in their ways and refuse to adapt won’t make it.


  • Being comfortable with novel ideas
  • open to new approaches
  • Being open to further information

Adaptability and innovation are closely related. Resilience means you can adjust to a change; innovation means you can be a part of the difference. It is hard to change the world when you are not open to new ways of doing things.

Motivation – Emotional Intelligence Examples

Achievement Drive

  • Striving to improve
  • Meeting a standard of excellence

This trait should be no surprise to anyone. To be successful in any area, you have to want to be successful. The drive to get there and want to be better is essential.


  • Aligning with goals of the group of, organization
  • The ability to stay with those goals once that good feeling wears off

Commitment is a huge part of EQ because you can’t be successful without having a high commitment to the goals that mean getting in line and staying in line. Many people can be committed for a short period then they move on to something else.


  • Readiness to act on opportunities
  • The ability to start without making excuses or delay

You can have a lot going for you in life, but when you don’t have the initiative, you will never begin to or seize opportunities. You will delay, over think and let them pass you buy to others with more initiative.


  • The ability to see the good in others and situations
  • Ability to persist through setbacks

Being optimistic allows you to see everything that can be. You know what people and opportunities can be, but most importantly you know what you can be. The motivation to work hard drives from this optimism.

Empathy – Emotional Intelligence Examples

Understanding Others

  • Sensing others feelings
  • Understanding others perspectives
  • Taking an active interest in their concerns

Where people with high logic fail, the most is usually understanding others. Being able to sense indeed what someone is feeling and understand their perspective is essential in building relationships and connecting on a deep level.

Developing Others

  • Sensing where others could be better at
  • Being able and willing to help them improve

A lot of people are judgemental of others, and they can usually think they know where others are weak, but they miss the second part of this. They forget that you also need to have the ability to help them improve. That requires understanding, empathy and excellent communication skills.

Service Orientation

  • Anticipating ad recognizing the needs of others
  • Being able to serve people and expect nothing in return

Empathy helps you realize there is a need but service is the people who go and do something about. When they do something about they smile the entire time, and it is a genuine smile.

Leveraging Diversity

  • Cultivating opportunities for different kinds of people
  • Seeing the value in people who are different

Leveraging diversity is important because we can only experience so many perspectives on life. Someone who is raised in Europe will have a different world view than someone raised in Africa. You need to see the value in both of these people.

Political Awareness

  • Reading a group’s emotional currents
  • Understanding power relationships

We all know someone who walks into a room and has no idea what in the world is going on. They don’t know who is in charge or whether there was an earnest conversation going on or not. If you walk in a room and you can’t tell who is in charge or what the seriousness of that conversation is then you have work to do here.

Social Skills – Emotional Intelligence Examples


  • Ability to persuade

Persuasion is one of the most underrated skills that school never teaches us. We always need to convince people, and we can never be too good at it.


  • Listening openly
  • Sending convincing messages

The key to being an excellent communicator is not just being able to talk but being able to listen. Once you understand you need to convey a message back, that is clear and leave no room for misunderstanding.

Conflict Management

  • Negotiation skills
  • Resolving disagreements

The reality is that people are not always going to want what we want or they are going to fight when we need cooperation. We need to be able to change that and bring harmony to situations.


  • Inspiring and guiding individuals toward a common goal
  • Helping others to get what they want

Great leaders are followed because they show people the way to what they want in life. Leadership skills are worth investing in every day of our lives.

Change Catalyst

  • Initiating and managing change
  • Being the one who others can count on to lead the change

People change catalyst make teams better immediately; they are always the ones to come in and get things moving in a different direction. Once that new direction is set they also help everyone to adjust to said new direction.

Building Bonds

  • Nurturing instrumental relationships
  • Being able to recognize which relationships are worth pouring into
  • Maintaining those relationships with a busy lifestyle

Building bonds are robust because everyone is so busy now that no one has time anymore. We let our relationships fad, or we monitor them from afar via social media. Being skilled here means you know how to keep fostering these relationships positively and you know which ones to feed more.

Collaboration and Cooperation

  • Getting groups of people together
  • Creating synergy
  • Getting a group to agree on a collective goal

We are stronger together then we are on our own. The sum of its part is never more significant than the whole, and yet we still forget the power of collaboration. Successful people can get others to come together and have synergy right away.

Stop Looking for Emotional Intelligence Examples and Become THE EXAMPLE! 

There is no such thing as being a master of emotional intelligence. We can all get better in different areas, including the areas that we consider to be strengths. We have to do it if we want to be successful. IQ will get you into med school, but EQ will make you a fantastic doctor. IQ may make you a great athlete, but EQ will make you a teammate people want to follow and play with. Anyone that sets excellent emotional intelligence examples for others will succeed in life.

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

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