Endure Meaning – Why Success Demands You Understand It

The true endure meaning has to be grasped if you are going to succeed at anything in life. Back in 2014, I wrote a book called Endure. The reason why I wrote it was because I was beginning to understand that anything worth having is going to be difficult to attain. To endure is to prove that you are worth it what you want but it is also a lost art these days. The endure meaning needs to be taught much more. Even when you know what it means to endure, it is so easy to forget as you get caught in the difficulties of life.

Endure Meaning

Endure Meaning – The Foundational Verse

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope” – Romans 5: 3-4

The book was built off of the verse above. The part of the Endure meaning that is often misconstrued is that endurance is all about surviving and making it to another day. That if you do not give up you can say that you endure but it is more than that!

To endure means that you don’t just go through your suffering, but you rejoice in it. You are happy that problems have shown up at your door. The reason you are so glad is not actually because of the issues themselves but what the problems create in you. When you can rejoice in your lows and keep fighting, you are rewarded with

  • Endurance
  • Character
  • Hope

Be a Person of Character

Your character is a big part of your success story because it is not about reputation. A reputation is what people think you to be. The character is who you are, and very few people are close enough to you to know your character. The character is what you do when no one is watching what you do. When no one is there to hold you accountable the real you has a way of showing up.

When you can endure, your character strengthens because it takes something special to be going through the ringer and still be just as happy. It is not a decision that you make just because of other people around. It is the easiest to be miserable when you are alone. At that moment when you smile and know that your struggles are a good thing, it changes you.

We Need an Abundance of Hope

When you have lost all hope in life, the only place you can turn is to despair. That is a place you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemies. If you have no hope, there is no reason to get up in the morning. Hope comes from the character and the character comes from the endurance.

If you have nothing to endure you have nothing to hope for. If you have nothing to hope for you have nothing to live for. When you look at it from that perspective endurance is that you can have the opportunity to grow.

Endure Meaning – Finding That Happy Place

When I was fired from my job, it hit me hard. I had a baby, another one on the way and that job connected to a lot of people I loved and helped them to get the money they needed. It hurt to lose it, but in it, I knew it was for the better.  I just had to find that happy place. I think the happy place is ok with the situation. Being able to say no matter what the case is I can make the best of it.

You elevate to a new level when you can do this. I got to a place where I had no shame in telling people I was fired. They would start by saying “I am sorry…” and I would STOP them! The reason why is because they should not be sorry for my suffering. That very suffering was giving me a chance to produce endurance.

Endure Meaning – The World is Confused

The world is confused by what produces excellent things. You can see this in modern parenting. Modern parenting says make everything as easy as possible for your kids. Success says let them struggle and find their way. It will be tough to watch, but the final product will be better.

Are you confused? Are you always looking for the path that is easiest and feels the best? Or are you trying to follow your heart knowing that doing so will hurt the most in the short term, but it will look the best in the long run?

You have to chase the thing that matters to you most. It will bring the most amount of problems into your life. There will be times where your life looks the complete opposite of success. Just endure these times because, in the end, the enduring meaning will show itself to be true. Your character and hope will rise, and you will believe in what you are doing more and more until you make it a reality.

Want to Learn More About Endurance?

Buy a copy of Endure: An Athletes Guide to Faith, Hope, and Success. The book covers countless stories of Endurance. If that is not enough for you, the book has numerous athletes tell the story of the hardest thing they have ever gone through. Some stories will put you on the edge of your seat and others will make you cry. Either way, you will love it!

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

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