Hamstring Injury From Running and What to Do About It

Hamstring injuries are very common amongst runners because of the nature of running and how we propel ourselves forward. If you get a hamstring injury running, it is important that you take some important actions as soon as you can. The reason for this is that a hamstring injury that heals poorly sets you up for future injuries.

You can get hamstring injury running for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is because of poor mechanics. That can be a tough pill to swallow because that means you have to change the way you run in order to improve your health.

Hamstring Injury From Running and The Causes

When you run, there are three different roles your hamstring has to play. The first is the recovery phase which is when your knee flexes and your foot is behind our body. The second is the breaking phase which is where the hamstring has to slow your foot down as it is about to hit the ground. IF the hamstring did not slow your foot down, it would throw it way in front of your body. The last phase is the isometric phase which is when the foot is on the ground and under your center of gravity.

The phase when people think hamstring injuries happen is the concentric contraction of the recovery phase. The reality is that it happens during the breaking phase and the isometric phase. It is important to understand this because it can help you identify a weak point. A lot of people will work their hamstrings concentrically, but they forget to work it eccentrically and isometrically.

Understand Eccentric vs. Isometric

When your foot is going from recovery to the braking phase, the hamstring is under a lot of stress because the hamstring has to be strong as it lengthens. Then it has to be strong isometrically to withstand the force of the foot being on the ground and pulling the body over the center of gravity.

The best way to help these is by training your hamstring in an isometric and eccentric fashion. The problem is that you should not attack aggressive rehab until you have gone through the proper treatment needed.

Treatment After You Suffer a Hamstring Injury From Running

The best treatment option for you is to see a healthcare provider that specializes in athletic injuries. The reason being is that a normal MD is only going to tell you to rest and ice and those things are not going to get you back in top shape.

The first week is really important for grade 1 and two hamstring injuries because you do not want scar tissue to develop in the wrong way. Scar tissue means that the spot is healed, but scar tissue often lays itself down and is not very pliable as you want the muscle to be. What this does is open you up to tears in other areas or a hamstring that just never feels right.

Treatment Services You Should Look For:

  • Graston
  • Chiropractic
  • Active Release
  • Acupuncture
  • Muscle Activation Technique
  • Laser Therapy
  • Massage
  • Corrective exercises
  • Dry Needling
  • Many More

Hamstring Injury From Running the Last Step

After getting the treatment needed you will reach a place where strength levels and flexibility are back to normal. The next step is to get much more aggressive with your rehab. Depending on the type health care provider you see, they may do this with you but if not.

The key here is to strengthen the glutes and the hamstring in both an eccentric and isometric way.

Glute Routine Video for a Hamstring Injury From Running

Eccentric Hamstring Video for Hamstring Injury from Running

Isometric Hamstring Video for Hamstring Injury From Running

How Do You Find a Provider For a Hamstring from Running

If you do not know what your next steps should be regarding finding a healthcare provider, 9INE POINT Health can help you do just that. If you know what type of provider you want we can help you find that person, and if you don’t know our mobile app will give you that direction.

What If You Can’t Heal Your Hamstring Injury From Running On Your Own

Sometimes you can ice all you want, but a muscle is in pain because another area is not working or because it is protecting you. With the hips, for example, your back may be hurting because your psoas is doing too much work and it is also tight. The psoas may be doing too much work because your other hip flexors are not activating correctly. The chain reaction could keep going.

Sometimes you need the help of a sports medicine provider. Sports medicine providers are used to working with athletes that need to get results quickly, to get back on the field. If you are not an athlete, I am sure that you still want quick results.

There are many different options you can go with when looking for a provider. You could get a chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist or many other options. The key is finding someone you trust and that you are excited to work with.

How to Find The Best Healthcare Providers for a Hamstring Injury From Running

9INE POINT Health is the best place to find the health care providers you need for any injuries. It does not matter where you are hurting; a 9INE POINT Health provider will be able to get you healthy again. 9INE POINT allows you to find the best local providers and compare them quickly using the 9INE POINT Number.

If you have no idea what you need, but you know you need something, 9INE POINT Health is an injury guide, and you will get helped through the process. We make it easier for you to find the information and the person you are looking for.

Skills to Look for in a Healthcare Provider for Hamstring Injury From Running:

  • Active Release Technique
  • Graston Technique
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy
  • Corrective exercises
  • Dry Needling
  • Sports Background
  • Functional Movement Screen
  • And more

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

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