How to Find a Good Acupuncturist

Knowing how to find a good acupuncturist is one of those great things you could do today and get to thank yourself for later. Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most effective pain-relief techniques that many athletes could avail.

A good acupuncturist practices an ancient form of pain-relief that originated from China around 5000 years ago. An acupuncturist will drive a long, tiny needle into pain spots called ‘acupuncture points’ located all over your body.

Ten years ago, when most people thought about acupuncture, images of a Spa session came to mind. Most people never imagined that the technique would have a profound effect on sports medicine.

How to Find a Good Acupuncturist – Benefits of Acupuncture for Athletes

Nowadays, many coaches recommend sessions to speed up recovery for injured athletes. With widespread reports of the many benefits, people have come to understand that many sports-related injuries can be relieved using acupuncture.

Professional athletes from across all ends of the sports spectrum like the NBA, NFL, MLB, English Premier League have benefitted considerably from the services of skilled hands and tiny needles.

A good acupuncturist doesn’t need to be someone who specializes in acupuncture alone, a skilled sports chiropractor or physiotherapist could do the trick as long as they know what they’re doing.

Fun fact: A good acupuncturist can locate up to 2000 acupuncture points on your body to help relieve pain.

How to Find a Good Acupuncturist – What Sports Injuries Can Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture has been used extensively over the last decade to provide relief for sports injuries. A few of them include:

From the very first time you get an acupuncture session, you’ll be learning a lot of stuff about your body that you didn’t know existed.

It’s always a great idea to get an individual who has some knowledge about sports if you’ll need the services of one to relieve the pain of sports injuries. However, this isn’t a must.

How to Find a Good Acupuncturist – Qualities to Look Out For

Knowing the qualities to look out for is the first big step to know how to find a good acupuncturist.

Let’s check out some key things to look out for.

Good Communicator

A good acupuncturist usually talks to you about the treatment and explain why it’s necessary. A good acupuncturist wouldn’t just go around sticking needles into your skin without telling you about the benefits!


Your first acupuncture session might put you on edge, but it gets more comfortable after you have overcome your initial apprehension on seeing the needles.

Weirdly enough, acupuncture treatment is rarely painful because the needle tips are super small. A good acupuncturist will put your mind at ease and let you know that there’s nothing to worry.


The best acupuncturists can think creatively to treat each patient and injury uniquely. Although our acupuncture points are similar, injuries are different.

How to Find a Good Acupuncturist With 9INE POINT Health

9INE POINT health is the go-between that connects injured athletes to top quality healthcare professionals near them.

Let 9INE POINT Health take the hassle of making the right selection away by connecting you to the best local healthcare providers in your area. 9INE POINT Health helps you know how to find a good acupuncturist.

To find experienced Sports acupuncturists and other sports professionals near you, visit 9INE POINT Health Today

What If You Can’t Go Through an Injury On Your Own

Sometimes you can ice all you want, but a muscle is in pain because another area is not working or because it is protecting you. With the hips, for example, your back may be hurting because your psoas is doing too much work and it is also tight. The psoas may be doing too much work because your other hip flexors are not activating correctly. The chain reaction could keep going unless you figure out how to find a good acupuncturist. 

Sometimes you need the help of a sports medicine provider. Sports medicine providers are used to working with athletes that need to get results quickly, to get back on the field. If you are not an athlete, I am sure that you still want quick results.

There are many different options you can go with when looking for a provider. You could get a chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist or many other options. The key is finding someone you trust and that you are excited to work with.

How to Find a Good Acupuncturist

9INE POINT Health is the best place to find acupuncturists for any injuries. It does not matter where you are hurting; a 9INE POINT Health provider will be able to get you healthy again. 9INE POINT allows you to find the best local providers and compare them quickly using the9INE POINT Number.

If you have no idea what you need, but you know you need something, 9INE POINT Health is an injury guide, and you will get helped through the process. We make it easier for you to figure out how to find a good acupuncturist.

Skills to Look for in an Acupuncturist:

  • Active Release Technique
  • Graston Technique
  • Massage
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy
  • Corrective exercises
  • Dry Needling
  • Sports Background
  • Functional Movement Screen
  • And more

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

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