The Importance Of Prayer For A Young Athlete

Prayer is an important action in a young athlete’s life. As a young athlete, you need all the assistance you can get on your climb to achieve your athletic dreams.

I did not understand the importance and power of this action until my senior year of high school. After tearing my ACL, I thought my athletic dreams of competing in college were over. I was depressed, but that changed when Coach Eddie Jackson told me, “Colby, only a praying man can get through this.”

Your journey will be filled with peaks and valleys, but know you are never alone. As a child of God, you have the unique privilege of harnessing the power of prayer and seeing God come to your assistance. The following describes the importance of prayers – remember them during your athletic journey. 

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. –  Luke 18:1

1. Importance Of Prayer – It is communication with God.

It’s okay if you don’t know where to start – eleven years ago, I didn’t either. Prayer enables you to have private discussions with God, and you can do it anytime, any day, anywhere. No one in your life can give you the same time and listening ears that God gives when you come to him in prayer. He is the definition of 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Use the importance of prayer to your advantage. Communicating my fears and anxiety to my coaches or teammates scared me I did not think they would understand, judge me or even care to listen. I was wrong, but we’ll save that topic for another article.

God wants you to bring all your good news, disappointments, and burdens to him. He will never grow tired of hearing your voice.

Never rob yourself of what God has already ordained for you through prayers – he is waiting for you to talk with Him.

2. It shows your discipline.

As a young athlete, the importance of prayer in discipline will take you far. It would be best if you had discipline in listening to your coaches, in the classroom, and in every aspect to become great. Praying and talking to God is no different. Do you have the discipline to tell God what’s on your mind for a few minutes each day? 

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11


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