Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) | Anatomy, Injury Causes, and Treatment

The tensor fascia latae or singular version of tensor fascia lata is often forgotten about, but it plays a vital role in hip function. When the Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) is tight, it can wreak havoc on your body. A tight TFL can lead to knee pain, groin pain, and hip problems. If you are an athlete, it is especially important that you keep this muscle healthy. You would never think a muscle this small could be the culprit of so many injuries and pains. Another reason people try and forget this muscle is that it is excruciating to treat the NFL. The tissue is almost always tender in most people, especially in modern society because of how much we sit down with our legs open.

Tensor Fascia Latae Anatomy

Tensor Fascia Lata - Tensor Fascia Latae - TFL

The muscle originates on the ilium and attaches to the lateral portion of the tibia. It covers the entire length of the femur, and it has a close relationship with the IT Band. The tensor fascia latae help with hip flexion and hip abduction. The TFL also provides additional hip and knee stability. Problems occur with this muscle when it is shortened or strained.

Injury Causes of the Tensor Fascia Lata

Pain is almost always the result of a muscle becoming overworked, and that is no different for the Tensor Fascia Latae. The TFL will be overworked from other muscles not doing their job. Few muscles ever work completely in isolation. For example, the TFL helps with hip flexion but so does the psoas. If the psoas is not working correctly from tightness or other reasons, that means the TFL has to pick up the slack. The body is all connected, so dysfunction creates a chain reaction of problems.

Muscles That Affect The Tensor Fascia Lata

  • Psoas
  • Rectus Femoris
  • Sartorius
  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Pectineus
  • Gracilis
  • Adductor longus and brevis

Symptoms of TFL Dysfunction

Hip Arthritis

  • High correlation with TFL dysfunction
  • Fix TFL issue before it comes to this

Tight TFL

  • The brain puts the Tensor Fascia Lata on high alert
  • Happens when the muscle is overused
  • Muscle needs to be given time to recover

Knock Knees and Duck Feet

  • The tensor fascia latae are internal rotators of the hip
  • When they are tight, they will internally rotate the femur, and that can lead to external rotation of the hip.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

  • The Tensor Fascia Latae is a hip flexor
  • Tension will rotate the hip down to the floor

Lateral Pelvic Drop

  • When tightness is unilateral, it can lead to a drop in the hip
  • Can be problematic for runners

Knee Valgus

  • Squats, lunges, and step-ups expose tight TFL
  • Put knee in a compromising position

Treatment for Tensor Fascia Lata

If you are experiencing issues with the tensor fascia latae, you need a game plan to get back on the right track right away. You should seek that gameplan from a healthcare provider. The reason is that there are so many other problems that can develop from this injury and you want to make sure that you are getting things taken care of the right way.

The first thing you want to do is treat for structure issues with the hp and TFL. If the body is limited in movement, it does not matter how much exercise you do. The second step is to get muscles that are not doing their job to start working again. We need to take some of the load off of the tensor fascia latae. Then the last thing you need to do is start moving and doing exercises with the proper muscles all doing their jobs.

Finding The Best Local Sports Medicine Providers for TFL Problems

9INE POINTHealth is the best place to start your search for a health care provider to help you stay healthy. The key to success as an athlete is staying healthy and making sure the injuries are dealt with appropriately. Any athlete that runs is at risk of Tensor Fascia Latae pain and the key to success as an athlete is staying healthy.

9INE POINT Health lets you search for providers by type and skill. For example, you can look for a Physical Therapist with any skill set you need. It does not matter what kind of provider you need, 9INE POINT Health can help you find them and help you to sort through their skills.

If you are unsure where to start your journey, 9INE POINT Health will ask you questions and help you figure out the best starting place. All you have to do is answer a few questions. From there, 9INE POINT Health will connect you with the type of provider best suited for your needs. It does not matter if you are injured or making sure you don’t run into a painful tensor fascia lata.

The platform makes it easy . compare health providers as they are all given a 9INE POINT Number. Once you are shown the best local options, how do you know which is the best? Reading bios and reviews is just not enough because you need more than that.

Skill Sets to Look for In Sports Medicine Providers for TFL Issues

Skill sets are the things healthcare providers learn after they graduate. A healthcare provider can take courses and get certifications for different skill sets. These skill sets are valuable and help them approach injuries from different perspectives so that you can get the best help at the right time for any Tensor Fascia Lata issues.

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.

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9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.
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