What To Do If Your Coach Hates You

If you want to what to do if your coach hates you, this is the article for you. In reality, my goal is for you to stay away from the things on this list. These are warning signs screaming danger at you. What is nice about all of these points is that they are not all just about sports. Many of them are habits you can build that will make you successful in everything that you touch in your life going forward. The reality is that the coach is the leader of your team and your success must go through them. It is very similar to how things are with a boss at work. It does not matter if you like them or not, what is important is accomplishing your mission.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Be On Time

Being punctual is an easy way to start things off on the right foot. No matter what the excuse for being late, the problem is that it involves an explanation. My dad always told me this story as a kid that was his reason for never being late. He once showed up late for an interview, and when he got there, after an hour drive, stress, and being dressed his finest, the guy did not even let him an interview. He told him that he hates when people are late and that he does not care what his excuse is.

I always remembered this story because it does not matter how you and I think about being late. What is important is how the person is leading you or how the person you are trying to impress responds to being late. You can’t afford to take a chance on this, so you want to get it right.

The other problem is that being late becomes a habit that is hard to break. It shows a certain amount of carelessness about you when you regularly show up late for things. How can a coach depend on you to take the game-winning shot when they can’t count on you to arrive on time?

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Stop With The Excuses

Excuses are what naturally leach from being late all of the time. You always have a reason why something has happened other than having to take responsibility. Then before you know it you make excuses for everything in life.

Think about this for a second. Have you ever called customer service for a company and then rep blames you for everything that is going wrong and you immediately get more upset? It does nothing to help the situation when companies blame customers.  You want to be heard and what people want when they have a problem with a company is for the company to admit they’re wrong.

If you call a company and the rep says “we are so sorry for everything that has happened, we have messed up, and we will make this right.” Your entire anger system gets cooled off because they decided to take ownership of whether they really are in the wrong or not.

The best thing you can do to gain the respect of your coach is by taking ownership of everything. Even things that are not your fault. Time to swallow your pride and own it because it shows a refreshing level of maturity.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Be a Real Leader

You always have a choice in life, you can choose to do good, or you can decide to do bad. The problem with being on a team is that whichever way you go, chances are you are bringing others with you. Athletes rarely get in trouble alone, they almost always have other athletes around them to drag into the situations.

If you want to get on your coach’s bad side, find ways to not just get yourself into trouble but drag your team down as well. There is almost nothing worse for a coach. Now more than ever in schools, organizations, and companies we need leaders. People who are willing to step up and help lead others to the promised land. When you come in and do the opposite, not only does it ruin the team, but it also creates more work and distraction for a coaching staff.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Have The Tough Conversation

A lot of athletes don’t have the guts to go and have tough conversations with the coach. What they do instead is talk with their teammates and friends about how they feel. The saying goes good news travels slowly; bad news travels fast right. Humans love to spread negativity; it is just in our nature.

The best thing you can do is be willing to step up and have tough conversations that no one else will have. It might be talking with the coach, telling the trainer about an injury, reporting that someone is suicidal, telling a teammate to change their attitude. These are all situations that are real, but you can’t avoid these tough conversations.

A coach wants to focus on winning games. They don’t want negative tension or storylines building that individual players know about and can help to fix. Successful teams are never disrupted by distractions.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Give All That You Are Asked to Give

When a coach spends time creating workouts to help a team excel, the worst thing you can do is not do the workout right. Mind you if the workout calls for 50% then give an honest 50%, but if it calls for max effort, then you need to give your all.

Your all will never look like everyone else. Everyones best is going to look different because we all have strengths and weaknesses. What coaches want to see more than anything else is a serious effort to improve. Giving less than your best means you don’t care about your team, your character or your coach. It sends a message that you would rather be somewhere else.

Don’t be surprised if the coaches just let you do what you want to do. When you give less than your best, you’re often an injury waiting to happen.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Complain About Everything

Complainers never win in life; they can’t because no matter what happens they will find fault with it. Complainers create a team with a toxic attitude. When I first got to Iowa State, the team was full of them. Most of the “leaders” had been there when the old coaches were there, and they like the old coaches. Everything the new coaches did they found a reason to complain about.

As a freshman, it was a training environment to be in. I was already trying my best to transition into the program and being a D1 athlete. On top of that stress, I had to hear complaining every single day about what other people did not like. I will be honest; sometimes I was so weak I even joined in. I was not strong enough to have the tough conversation, which is why I know how important it is.

Do yourself this favor, banish all complaints from your life. This means first stopping yourself, then secondly making sure that when you hear others on your team complain you shut it down right away. A 100% commitment to no complaining from a team will be a game-changer.

Don’t depend on your coach to implement it, step up, and do it yourself. No coach in the nation would be mad at a student-athlete for making the team commit to a no complaining environment.

What To Do If Your Coach Hates You – Build a Great Relationship With Your Coach

You only get so many coaches in your short career, and there is nothing like having a sweet relationship with your coach. Make an effort to get the things in this article right, and you will notice a huge difference in how your coach sees you and before you know it you will be taking on leadership roles. The answer to what to do if your coach hates you is starting with changing yourself.

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