Nyquil and Everything You Need to Know About It

As an athlete, it is essential that you understand NyQuil and what it is. Too many athletes get a cold and take Nyquil like it is candy. That is not to say that NyQuil is always wrong, but it is medication, and you do need to understand what it is doing to your body before you take it.

What Is NyQuil?

Nyquil is an over the counter medication to temporarily relieve symptoms from the common cold, flu or even allergies. It contains some active ingredients that include. Dextromethorphan, acetaminophen, and doxylamine succinate.

Dextromethorphan: This is a cough suppressant that helps trick your brain into stopping the coughing reflex.

Acetaminophen: This is a non-aspirin pain reliever

Doxylamine Succinate: This is an antihistamine that helps with allergic reactions. It is also the ingredient that will make you drowsy and sleepy.

Alternatives To NyQuil

If you are an athlete, you may not want to take over the counter medication, and I understand that. I get that for sure. There are a couple of things you can do to help yourself get over what is ailing you without grabbing a Nyquil.

If you need some relief from the effects of the common cold, you can use some natural alternative to try and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Garlic: Garlic contains an ingredient called allicin which has been proven to affect the common cold. Garlic is also both anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

Salt Water: If you gargle salt water it may help sterilize the bacteria in your throat.

Sleep or Rest: Ya seems simple, but your body needs sleep or rest when you’re going through an illness. Try not to do it over. Rest up and try to relax.

Side Effects Of NyQuil

When you take over the counter drugs, you can expect some side effect to happen. When you take Nyquil, you can expect to be drowsy or tired. Outside of that, it is possible to get an upset stomach or nausea. It is also possible for you to get get some anxiety. Other issues may include dry mouth and even constipation. There are some accounts of blurred vision.

It is needless to day if you are experiencing some of these side effects then you should discontinue the use of the product as soon as possible and see your health care provider.

Is NyQuil Ok For Athletes?

NyQuil is ok for athletes to take from a legal substance standpoint. The problem with NyQuil is how it produces drowsiness. Be very careful taking the medication when you have a practice or a game the next morning. You do not want any of that drowsiness to be there still because it will decrease performance.

Only take NyQuil in low-risk situations because you never know how your body is going to respond. You would rather have a stuffy nose for the big game rather than to be drowsy. Low-risk situations include the offseason, nights before off days, or day where you do not have hard workouts. If you need to take NyQuil during higher risk moments, you should be willing to sit the next day out.

Find The Best Healthcare Providers Using 9INE POINT Health

9INE POINT Health is the best place to start your search for a health care provider, so you do not depend on NyQuil. 9INE POINT Health lets you search for providers by type and skill. You can look for a naturopath find the best local options. It does not matter if you need a physical therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturists, sports doctor, registered dietitian, massage therapist or any other form of holistic medicine. 9INE POINT Health will help you to find and sort through their skills.

If you are unsure where to start your journey, 9INE POINT Health will ask you questions and help you figure out the best starting place. All you have to do is answer a few questions, and 9INE POINT Health will connect you with the type of provider best suited for your needs. It does not matter if you are injured or just sore.

The platform makes it easy to compare health providers as they are all given a 9INE POINT Number. Once you are shown the best local options, how do you know which is the best? Reading bios and reviews is just not enough because you need more than that. The 9INE POINT Number breaks healthcare providers down by engagement, reviews, and insurances accepted.

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

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