Can You Really Afford To Have Speed Without Strength?

Can You Really Afford To Have Speed Without Strength?

Here’s The

If you are a runner or involved in a sport
that requires using bursts of energy for a short period of time. High-intensity
workouts are going to give you the advantage you want in your sports
performance. High-intensity training is the core of speed, any other techniques
you try to add to your arsenal will have little to no effect on your efforts to
increase it without adding this degree to it. You have to take into
consideration that the exercises that will help you should be focused on your
body’ movements and its composition. Your body movement, like the ones in your
arms, torso, and legs play a big role in your speed.

Going Low
Before Going Pro

We are going to increase your lower body
strength, stronger legs and hips are where we are targeting. Stronger legs-
especially glutes, are less prone to getting tired fast as the amount of energy
stored in them lasts you longer than with legs otherwise. In addition to that,
the force which your legs press on the ground is stronger, as we know that
forces reflect the same amount of energy back when we push against something.
This helps to boost your strides by launching further forward in relation to
the force you applied to the ground.This is what top athletes in the �speed
business’ know.

The belief is
that you need to have muscular legs

This was very dominant for years, the thought
is that stronger legs lead to faster speed. It is still applicable to some
situations. The exception to the rule is in the strides of the �fastest man on
earth’ Usain Bolt. They are the ones
that allow him to surge past his competition on the race track. Though not as
bulkily built as his counterparts, the length of his legs, helped by his 6 foot
5 frame are the �tools of the trade’ that make him win. Though many athletes he
competes against are more muscular in their lower body region. He has a slender
more linear build than what his predecessors are accustomed to having. Focusing
only on weight training to build adequate muscle to help sustain energy for
longer periods of time

How Does This
Help You Get Faster?

Besides sport, we all know acceleration is
the key to speed. The factors that determine acceleration in sports performance
are the exercises incorporated into the training of the lower body. These are
effective in a purpose to add power to your hamstrings and quadriceps. They are
responsible for pushing you forward. Getting the hang of effective methods in
training the lower body can be a bit tricky at first. For instance, if your
quads are bigger than your glutes or otherwise – the whole movement of your
body is compromised and can lead to imbalance. It is this imbalance that is
responsible for most injuries in the sports field. High-speed intensity
movements are more prone to these injuries, especially sprinters- who usually
get hamstring injuries. The balance in your strength training can be maintained
by making your thigh muscles almost as strong as your quads. So that your quads
don’t force the hamstrings to overcompensate when the body needs to regulate
energy during performance

The Tricks Of
The Trade

Despite genetics and strength, the technique
is the overall deciding factor in whether you are going to be the fastest or
just about mediocre. If you don’t have the legs of a giraffe to help you make
long strides or the calf muscles of a –
you can still optimize your stride by conditioning your legs. This is highly
important, your strength training technique can be the best in the world, but
to make it effective- you are going to have to be a monkey. You are shocked,
right? That’s exactly how the effect of adding this simple trick to your
training is going to leave your competitors.

Pay close attention here, most exercises are
carried out in positions that have nothing to do with the required movements of
your sport. Contrary to what you may believe, squatting the heaviest weights or
lunging more than the other athletes won’t help so much with building the legs
that help in becoming a faster sprinter, just as much as doing tons of weight
curls won’t help so much with having arms that are built for swimming faster.
It is only when these are combined with exercises that mimic the motions of the
sport you are training for that you can reap the benefits of the hours spent in
the gym.

Pulling on a mass with the use of both forward
and backward movements that are very similar to the sport you partake in is
vital for speed development.


The ability to have sheer will over your body
will improve your speed and overall strength. This is done by having control
over your body movements by either increasing or decreasing your speed at
will.This is called interval training. You need to get started on this to boost
your speed. The body’s athletic performance is dependent on two processes that
are part of the breathing system to produce energy so that you can perform at
your best.

This Will Take
Your Breath Away

And Then Bring
It Back After A Short While

#1. Anaerobic System

The ability to reach your maximum speed when
you are running requires you to withhold your breath. It is called the
anaerobic alactic capacity. This is when your body energy source allows you to
perform at your highest peak, giving you a free pass that only lasts for up to
20 seconds before the aerobic(with oxygen) and lactic acids take over and force
you to slow down.This can be observed from athletes faces when they are in a
40m sprint approaching the finish line. This is a hindrance, but the good news
is that it can be trained. Anaerobic alactic conditioning involves capitalizing
on the anaerobic system that allows for intense outbursts. To maximize results,
athletes must train less and rest more. Taking two separate cases into
consideration – one athlete went with the standard 1:5 (work: rest ) system
ratio. Meaning for every 10 seconds he exercised intensely his Anaerobic
alactic capacity, he had to rest for 50 seconds- meaning five times more. He
was able to increase his capacity to 20- 30 seconds at best in high-intensity
situations. The other athlete in the same sport was measured accordingly, with
the only difference being in the change in work-rest ratio. The ratio was 1:18,
meaning for every 10 seconds of exercising the Anaerobic capacity – he had to
rest for up to three minutes,18 times more than he exerted effort. The result
was that he was able to increase his capacity to between 30 seconds – 60
seconds in high-intensity situations. This goes to show how much resting long
enough to ward off the build-up of lactic acid is important

#2. Aerobic

The Aerobic system is the exact opposite. It
is the use of both oxygen and lactic acids to produce energy. The rate at which
it produces energy is slow, this produces a lot of anaerobic capacity. It can
be ideal for the sport that is low intensity but prone to bout of high
intensity in some situations.Like the end of a marathon when you need to speed
past your rival.The anaerobic capacity has been enhanced gradually waiting for
you to activate it

The rest of
the job is mental

Instead of upward movement, You should rather concentrate on surging
forward, keeping your back slightly lowered and as straight as possible. Your
power should be drawn from your hips, then focused on your arms. Maintaining
focus is crucial at this point. Don’t worry about anyone else- you are here to

Patience is paramount, don’t be too quick to
show all of your greatest. Anything that
starts hot can only get cold. start when it’s the correct time to start, don’t
rush it. Let the first quarter of the time you are there to perform be your
warm-up phase, increase your momentum with the increase in the time leading to
the finale. When the end is near, it’s only then that you can turn the key and
unleash the fury of your preparation and surge
toward victory

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