How to Find a Good Chiropractor

All healthcare providers are not made equal. In the same way that one athlete can be better than another, a healthcare provider can outdo each other. When we are trying to figure out how to find a good chiropractor we forget this. We assume that because someone has doctor in their name that they are smart and because of that they are good at what they do. Find a good chiropractor can reduce recovery time, stress, comfort and many other things that people miss.

When you see a good chiro, they do much more than crack your back once and tell you to come back three times a week. A good chiropractor makes sure they do everything they can in their time with you to get you better. A good chiropractor also takes the time to educate you on the basics so you can do things at home if needed.

How to Find a Good Chiropractor – How It is Currently Done

The way most chiropractors market themselves is through a high dependency on word of mouth marketing. The way most people find a good healthcare provider is by asking a friend. We have been limited to this when it comes to finding a good solution, but it is not enough for so many reasons.

With the rise of the internet, it has given the consumer the ability to make more informed choices. We can read reviews and make all the comparisons we want. Currently, there are not good places to do this across the internet when it comes to holistic medicine practices like chiropractic, acupuncture, and others.

How to Find a Good Chiropractor – What You Need to Consider

The other reason word of mouth does not cut is because everyone has very different needs. Some people like chiropractors that are rough whereas others would bruise and sore for a week. The difficulty in choosing healthcare providers comes from the fact that you are not just buying something you will use. The person you choose will more than likely touch your body and you need be ok with them doing so.

Some Things to Consider When Considering How to Find a Good Chiropractor

  • How easy is it to get an appointment?
  • Do you get a good vibe from them?
  • How close is it to your home?
  • Do you feel as if they are trying to make you come back as much as possible instead of helping you quickly
  • Do they do more than just crack backs? If so what do they do?
  • Do they have space to do corrective exercises
  • What is the average length of treatment?
  • How engaged are they online incase you have questions?
  • How aggressive are they with their treatment?
  • Do they have a sports background if so what it is?
  • Are they good listeners?
  • Do they explain and educate patients on the treatment they provide and why

You should add your list of questions to this list. You don’t want to go in bling if you don’t have to. One bad treatment can turn you off from getting the help you need to be healthy.

How to Find a Good Chiropractor – Using the Right Tools to Find the Right People

9INE POINT Health is the easiest way to find The best local sports medicine, providers. You no longer have to open Google and enter sports medicine doctors near me. Instead, go tot 9INE and search for whatever therapist you are looking for. You can search for the type of therapists.

But it does not end there because you can also search by skill set which is where things get fun. The type of skills set you can search for:

  • Dry needling
  • Acupuncture
  • Joint Manipulation
  • Active Release Technique
  • Graston Technique
  • Functional Movement Screen
  • Fascial Stretching
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Sports Background
  • And many more

Where the search tool gets powerful is that you can search based off of type and skill. For example, you can search Chiropractors + Acupuncture + Graston, and the results will show you local options that have all of those skill set that you desire. There is nowhere you can do this on the internet besides 9INE POINT Health.

Now all of that may seem a bit overwhelming. You may not know what type of provider you need to see. 9INE POINT Health will ask you a series of yes or no questions on the mobile app that will help you figure out what type of provider that you should see.

Once you get some experience seeing sports medicine providers, you will begin to develop an understanding of what you like. When a healthcare provider has a certain skill set, it will begin to excite you because you know your body responds well to that type of treatment.

Using The 9INE POINT Number

Every provider comes with what is called a 9INE POINT Number. The 9INE POINT number is your way of comparing and ranking healthcare providers. The number consists of three data points.

  1. Ratings and Reviews – To help you figure out what others think of the chiropractors you are interested in.
  2. Engagement – Does the healthcare provider answer question and post content to educate the community of people looking for chiropractors?
  3. Insurances Accepted – The more insurances accepted, the better chance you can see that chiropractor.

The 9INE POINT number makes it easy for you to take a quick glance at a health care provider and know whether you want to work with them or not. You don’t have to read reviews or check their profile if you don’t want to because the 9INE POINT Number will tell you what you need to know. If you are on the search for that elusive sports medicine professionals, 9INE POINT Health is the most natural place to start when figuring out how to find a good chiropractor. 

KHO Health was acquired by was acquire by 9INE POINT in the summer of 2019 and is now referred to as 9INE POINT Health.

9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.

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9INE POINT Health was created by 9INE POINT in '19 as a means to provide athlete-driven resources to "Protect Athletes' Minds, Body and Belly". As well as be a platform for healthcare providers and other specialists to display their knowledge.
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