When I was first starting out in my athletic journey, I was incredibly out of shape, had not done much running or any physical fitness for that matter. I quickly began showing symptoms of shin splints. I was in pain for weeks. Shin splints can become an extremely debilitating affliction that can take you away from the sport you love. Figuring out if you are demonstrating the symptoms of shin splints can help you on your way to healing them.
What Are Shin Splints – Symptoms of Shin Splints
Shin splints are the inflammation of the structures that surround the edge of the tibia. The muscle and connective tissue become inflamed from overuse. The symptoms of shin splints usually show up when you are starting a new form of training, or you are increasing the intensity of your training sessions.
This abrupt increase in physical activity can make the symptoms of shin splints gradually worse as time goes on. Runners tend to see the most amounts of shin splints especially those the do most of their running on the road or pavement.
What Are The Symptoms Of Shin Splints
The symptoms of shin splints are very minimal but cute none the less. Some symptoms of shin splints include pain on the inner edge of the tibia bone generally in the middle of the lower leg. These symptoms of shin splints can start out minor and then become unbearable with repeated use.
The symptoms of shin splints can be:
- Sore to the touch
- Occur before, during, or after exercise
- Shape or Dull
Home Remedies
from The Symptoms of Shin Splints
Shin splints can be debilitating, they will intrude on your ability to train appropriately, and as athletes, the thing we don’t want to happen is time missed from training. We can mitigate the symptoms of shin splints in a couple of ways.
When we start showing the symptoms of shin splints we want to get rid of that inflammation as soon as possible. The inflammation of the structures in that area is causing the pain you are feeling. There are a couple of ways we can put out that fire.
- Rest a day or so
- Use NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) If you doctor okay’s their use
- Ice your shin 20 mins on, 20 mins off for an hour at a time.
- Compression, wearing a compression sock may push out some of that inflammation
Prevention of Symptoms of Shin Splints:
The symptoms of shin splints can be prevented in a couple of ways:
- Find a suitable set of footwear
- Run Barefoot or with minimalistic shoes ( this will help strengthen the structures around your shin and feet)
- Work on the flexibility of your calves and your feet
- Train often. Do not let shin splints make you quit. When the pain goes away get back out there
- Increase your fitness levels gradually
Conclusion for Athletes
The symptoms of shin splints can come on exceptionally quickly. They are acute, and they hurt like nothing else. I remember when I first started training how badly I was in pain for weeks dealing with them. They do not have to be debilitating, however. With a little care and effort on your part you can mitigate the threat of shin splints as well as ever come back from them stronger than ever!
What If You Can’t Get Rid of Shin Splints on Your Own?
Sometimes you can ice all you want, but a muscle or bone is in pain because another area is not working or because it is protecting you. With the hips, for example, your back may be hurting because your psoas is doing too much work and it is also tight. The psoas may be doing too much work because your other hip flexors are not activating correctly. The chain reaction could keep going.
Sometimes you need the help of a sports medicine provider. Sports medicine providers are used to working with athletes that need to get results quickly, to get back on the field. If you are not an athlete, I am sure that you still want quick results.
There are many different options you can go with when looking for a provider. You could get a chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist or many other options. The key is finding someone you trust and that you are excited to work with.
How to Find The Best Healthcare Providers Symptoms of Shin Splints
9INE POINT Health is the best place to find the health care providers you need for any injuries. It does not matter where you are hurting; a 9INE POINT Health provider will be able to get you healthy again. 9INE POINT allows you to find the best local providers and compare them quickly using the 9INE POINT Number.
If you have no idea what you need, but you know you need something, 9INE POINT Health is an injury guide, and you will get helped through the process. We make it easier for you to find the information and the person you are looking for.
Skills to Look for in a Healthcare Provider for Symptoms of Shin Splints:
- Active Release Technique
- Graston Technique
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Fascial Stretch Therapy
- Corrective exercises
- Dry Needling
- Sports Background
- Functional Movement Screen
- And more
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